Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995


The Labour Relations Act sets out the laws regarding an employees rights to freedom of association, the protection of the employees and persons seeking employment. The employers right to freedom of association and the protection of the employers rights as well as the rights of trade unions and employers organisations.

Labour Relations Act

LAbour Relations Act 66 of 1995

What is the purpose of the labour relations act?

The purpose of the Labour Relations Act is to protect the rights of everyone in the workplace and to promote and advance economic development, fair labour practices, peace, democracy and social development.

The Labour Relations Act sets out the laws regarding an employees rights to freedom of association, the protection of the employees and persons seeking employment. The employers right to freedom of association and the protection of the employers rights as well as the rights of trade unions and employers organisations.

This Act regulates the organisational rights of trade unions and promotes and facilitates collective bargaining at the workplace. It also deals with strikes, lockouts, workplace forums and alternative dispute resolution.

who does the labour relations act apply to:

The Labour Relations Act applies to workers, employers and trade unions and aims to protect their rights within the place. The Act represents the regulation of labour relations within the workplace. Persons excluded from this Act are members of the National Defence Force, National Intelligence Agency and the South African Secret Service.

The Labour Relations Act encourages employers and employees to regulate employment relations between themselves to promote orderly collective bargaining, collective bargaining at sectoral level, employee participation in decision-making int he work place and the effective resolution of labour disputes.

Download a copy of The Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995:

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What is labour relations?
What is the labour relations act?
download the labour relations act?
what is the purpose of the labour relations act
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