Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions at Kontak Recruitment

Frequently asked questions about jobs, the job market and employment in general

  • What does recruitment mean?

The action of finding new people to join an organization or support a cause.

  • What is recruitment?

Recruitment refers to the process of identifying, attracting, interviewing, selection, hiring and on-boarding employees.

  • Kontak Recruitment’s  - Recruitment Agency in Johannesburg email address? - Submit your cv to our recruitment agencies

For employers: [email protected]

For applications: [email protected]

  • How do I register my CV online?

You can register your CV on our online free jobs portal at

  •  Why is recruitment important?

Successful recruitment is a direct reflection of the legitimacy and professionalism of your business. Employing the right people for your business is the most important part of your organization. It is necessary to have a good recruitment process to attract the right kind of staff for the needs of your business. Your recruitment process must be cost-effective and efficient. Recruitment and training can be expensive and time-consuming, so when you are recruiting, make sure that you are making the right choice.

  • Can I hire staff through a recruitment agency?

Yes, you can hire permanent, contract, temporary, freelance and graduate staff through recruitment agencies?

  • What does PAYE stand for?

Pay as you earn

  • What is PAYE?

PAYE or employee’s tax, is the tax that the employer must deduct from the employment income of employees – such as salaries, wages and bonuses and pay over to SARS monthly.

  • What does UIF stand for?

Unemployment Insurance Fund

  • What is UIF?

Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) gives short- term relief to workers when they become unemployed or are unable to work because of maternity, adoption leave or illness. It provides relief to dependents of a deceased contributor.

  •  Can I claim UIF if I resigned?

No, you can only claim unemployment benefits if you have been dismissed or retrenched or if your contract has expired. You cannot claim if you have voluntarily resigned from your job.

  •  What is a restraint of trade?

A restraint of trade clause in an employment contract prohibit an employee from engaging with direct competitors or from competing with the business of the employer for a specific time period and within a certain geographic area after the employment contract has been terminated.

  • What is a constructive dismissal?

A constructive dismissal is defined as a situation in the workplace, which has been created by the employer, and which renders the continuation of the employment relationship intolerable for the employee to such an extent that the employee has no other option but to resign.

  •  How much notice should I give my employer?

According to the Basic Conditions of Employment Act the legal requirement for notice period to be given is:

  • One week if employed for six months or less
  • Two weeks if employed for more than six months but less than one year and
  • Four weeks if employed for one year or more

  • What is a 30-day notice period?

A 30- day notice period means that notice can be given on any day of the month and the period will then terminate in 30 days’ time.

  • What is human resource management?

Human resource management is managing people within the employer and employee relationship

  • What is company Culture?

Company culture is the personality of the company, it indicates the way in which things are done within an organization



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